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     Visit our YouTube channel to get more insight into the countless dreams and events that God has provided to Sha Rene'. Was Sha Rene' going to show to the world her private dreams? Was she ready to talk about this? Was she given things that would happen 20 years in advance of it actually happening like 911?

     What if you went to sleep one night and you had to tell your parents that a Black Hand came at you directly from the wall and you actually jumped from the bunk bed to the floor?  What was this vision where she ready to talk abut this? What if you tried to sleep but could not! She couldn't tell anyone.

     How could she possibly see Solders on the Rooftops in the USA?  And Yes,  they were armed.  What if this actually happened years later and you have a complete vision of this at a the multiple Riots that took place in America in 2019,  These visions are amazing and when told you say, How?  How could she see things in advance of happening?

     She  had a Near Death Experience that goes further than just seeing someone in the hospital but seeing them in sprit.  She loved her Grandfather and how and when he died left Sha Rene' feeling responsible for his death although he died a natural death. Read Both books to see what happens to her. The Prophet Zone introduces you to him but The Prophet Zone 2 will explain how she is able to see him again.

     Sha Rene' was bothered by all the dreams. She could never sleep but she now has the understanding of why?  She has seen things years in advance of the occurrence.  There is a number that follows her, 105:15  You will see this has followed her for entire life. "Saying, Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm."  It is God who has watched over her for her to bring his message to you.  

     Sometimes God just gives her a name that she does not know like when she was a child she dreamt of a name and that name was Ramses. She had no idea of this name or that there actually was a person with this name.  Here Dad told her to go to the library and she did and she found it was Biblical.

     Her mother told her to draw the dreams since there were so many and Sha was a sketch artist. When she kept on having multiple dreams her Mom said to "Write it down" so she did now you will see a series of books where these events are actually taking place to warn you.  Warn you to Repent!

The Prophet Zone

     This is the book that you have to read.  It will give you a sense that there is actually God's word where he speaks to us. He never leaves you.  He has given hundreds of messages and uses people to share them with you.

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Solar Eclipse

     What if I told you that I had a dream in 1984 about something that would happen in 2017? What if this eclipse is a sign from God for us to repent? It has been known though all of the cultures in the universe that it has a significant meaning. Will there be a Day of darkness? Is this a sign of the end.


Bridge Over Troubled Water

     On September 15, 2017 I was asleep and as I was waking I had a vision of a Bridge on the East Coast. I don’t know what bridge, but it was a tragic vision of a horrific event where it got destroyed and broke in half. There was a large boom sound and smoke. There was this car right in the middle as it broke apart and there were other cars on either side.

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