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What if you saw 911 in a dream years before it happened? What If you saw a warning for the pandemic and saw it in a dream. What if you saw cameras well before its time that can capture anyone at any time. This book is one of an exciting series.  A book that you will not put down. If you believe one dream out of hundreds are true then you must believe the came directly from God. What does it take for you to believe.  Does it take a story like Daniel told of dreams with meanings given to the King who wanted interpretations of those dreams.  These visions that have come to Sha Rene' have become true and some are yet to become true.  It is said that if it does not become true it is not frm God. Well just read these books. This is the first book and I hope after you read this, you will believe.  Comin Soon! The Prophet Zone 2.

The Prophet Zone

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    Sha Rene' writes this book for you. "This is the hardest thing I ever had to do," she says. She wrote this book when she started to see her dreams come true.  Were they just dreams? No. These dreams and visions are Messages from God. 911 was a shock! Why did God give her this? To warn you? To make you belive there is God? When having these dreams as a child she would tell her mother of the dreams and she told her to sketch the pictures of what you saw and write it down, so she did. You will see what Sha Rene' saw which will put you exactly in the moment. Bible verses capture what God is actually saying in the dream. There is even a concordance in the back of the book so you can go directly to the Bible to reference what God is saying. to those that believe this will only verify what is to come. For those that don't believe, you will after reading these words.  Also while growing you will see some of what she saw and experience the terror to come.

    The Prophet Zone 2 has just as many dreams as this first book and will be coming soon.  It will showcase photos to show you of the experience that she went through. Start like Nostradamus a collection of dreams that turn into events.

  • Check out her videos on You Tube at Bible Marc TV

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